
Discover Global Network



Serving up your company’s capabilities in an easy-to-understand way is vital to gaining new users – but B2B websites are notoriously dry and hefty. Pulling out the most relevant information, condensing it into digestible content and laying it out in a scannable way can transform how user’s experience the brand. That’s exactly what we’ve been doing one page at a time for Discover Global Network.

In 2021, we started from the ground up by building a look, tone and feel for DGN and applying it to their website. This was just the first domino to fall of many. We have since created an acceptance mark and sensory animation that will be leveraged by merchants worldwide. Partnered with an award winning photographer to deliver a library of over 200 images for use across multiple business units. More recently been explaining who we are and what we have to offer by delivering DGN’s first-ever campaign targeted at payment enablers, Prepaid, Fintech, Debit, Barcelona and Transit.

So how do you make payments enablers realize that Discover Global Network is more collaborative, more flexible, and more willing to co-create than its competitors? You bring that information straight to where they go to collaborate & innovate. We created content that hit them at every touch point in a meaningful way, planting & watering the seed in their mind that accelerated growth is more than possible when they join Discover Global Network.

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